Maschinen Heimat

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Alexandre Louis Duchamp is justly renowned as being a fine terrain based diorama creator as well as a meticulous almost mathematic model painter. He is as his website states "a Frenchman living in London, collecting and building Japanese model kits". He recently published at one week interval two very fine model building and painting guides, covering 2 Maschinen Krieger models at the pocket friendly price of 2.5$. What you have here is a 35 pages (at least for the first issue) PDF packed with great quality full size photographs and the accompanying text. Actually the layout is so professionally done it could be one of AK's own publications. We're very far from an amateurish production here. You can already expect the content of the articles, build, paint and weathering etc.. but he just goes at the depth of his builds, states the series number of each and every products he uses. And actually considering the rather bland look of his green PKA/ASF SKINHEAD, i was really surprised that he could say so much things about it, but he does and it's quite interesting indeed. Being a rather vain character, I preferred his second build /Pdf which covers the more colourful and elegant NEUSPOTTER. Really Those 2 guides are definitely well done and cheap, you should dive in.